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Duties and Powers of the Parish Council

The following list is not intended to be an exhaustive one, but it should illustrate to the reader that Parish Councils have a very useful role to perform in the 21st Century. Please remember that new legislation is being enacted all the time that can change the role of Parish Councils. All Parish Councillors perform their duties without any form of payment.
Allotments: Power to provide allotments. Duty to provide if demand unsatisfied. Small Holdings and Allotments Act 1908. Allotments Act 1925.

  • Baths & Washhouses: Power to provide public baths & washhouses. Public Health Act 1936.

  • Burial Grounds & Cemeteries: Power to acquire & maintain. Open Spaces Act 1906.Local Government Act 1972. Councils and Burial Authorities (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1970.

  • Bus Shelters: Power to provide & maintain. Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1953.

  • Clocks: Power to provide public clocks. Parish Councils Act 1957

  • Closed Churchyards: Powers as to maintenance. Local Government Act 1972.

  • Code of Conduct for Members & Employees: Duty to adopt a Code of Conduct. Local Government Act 2000.

  • Commons & Common Pastures: Powers in relation to inclosure etc. Inclosure Act 1845. Small Holdings and Allotments Act 1908.

  • Community Centres: Power to provide & equip buildings. Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976.

  • Crime Prevention: Power to spend money on crime prevention measures Local Government and Rating Act 1997.

  • Education: Right to appoint School Governors. Education (No. 2) Act 1986.

  • Entertainment & the Arts: Provision of entertainment & support of the Arts. Local Government Act 1972.

  • General Purposes: Power to provide funds for general benefit of the community. Local Government Act 1972.

  • Gifts: Power to accept gifts. Local Government Act 1972.

  • Highways: Power to repair & maintain footpaths. Power to light roads & footpaths. Provision of litter bins. Power to provide parking places for vehicles etc. Powers to provide roadside seats. Power to complain to district councils about protection of Rights of Way. Power to plant trees & maintain roadside verges. Highways Act 1980. Parish Councils Act 1957. Highways Act 1980. Litter Act 1983. Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

  • Land: Power to acquire, appropriate and dispose of land. Local Government Act 1972.

  • Mortuaries: Power to provide mortuaries. Public Health Act 1936.

  • Open Spaces: Power to acquire land and maintain. Open Spaces Act 1906.

  • Public Buildings: Power to provide buildings for public meetings & assemblies. Local Government Act 1972.

  • Public Conveniences: Power to provide. Public Health Act 1936.

  • Recreation: Power to acquire land for or to provide recreation grounds. Local Government Act 1972. Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976.

  • Town & Country Planning: Right to be notified of planning applications. Town & Country Planning Act 1990.

  • Tourism: Power to contribute to organisations. Local Government Act 1972.

  • Traffic Calming: Power to contribute to traffic calming schemes. Local Government and Rating Act 1997.

  • Transport: Power to spend money on Community Transport Schemes. Local Government and Rating Act 1997.

  • War Memorials: Power to maintain, repair and protect war memorials. War Memorials (Local Authorities’ Powers) Act 1923.


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