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Planning Applications

To see the weekly planning list for the whole of County Durham click here


To see the weekly planning decisions for the whole of County Durham click here


Whilst much of this information is available without logging in for some applications you will have to register on DCC's website, creating a username and password, and use these to access the information you are looking for.

For details of sites within the Parish that have been identified as either being:

Suitable for development: coloured green – which indicates that the site is considered potentially suitable for housing as it could contribute towards sustainable, mixed communities. The scale of development the site could accommodate is considered consistent with the role and function of the settlement and no unacceptable adverse environmental impacts would result.

Unsuitable for development: coloured amber – which indicates that a site (or element of the site) is considered unsuitable for housing on account it would not lead to the creation of sustainable, mixed communities or the development would have an adverse impact in relation to a technical constraint and the landowner/agent/developer has been unable to demonstrate that no demonstrable harm would result from the development to the satisfaction of the council. This category also includes all sites where there is a fundamental conflict in planning policy. If demonstrable evidence is provided demonstrating that the constraint can be overcome the classification may be reviewed to be suitable.

Unsuitable and a 'showstoppers': coloured red – which is used to identify all sites which contravene a category 1 designation and parcels of land which are unrelated to an existing settlement.


Category 1 and 2 designations

  • Category 1 sites will be deemed as unsuitable (red) sites and be deemed to have no housing potential.

  • Category 2 sites are not automatically discounted by the SHLAA but rather act as an indicator that the site may well have some constraints which would need to be addressed if the site is to be deemed suitable.


Click here for a document collated from the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment website.

© Copyright 2021 Cassop-cum-Quarrington Parish Council. All rights reserved.

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