Police Contact Details
Telephone: 0345-6060-365
Since October 2000, the local Community Police Officer has been P.C. Bruce Cockburn. P.C. Cockburn has regular surgeries in Bowburn Community Centre, Durham Road, Bowburn. There is a secure letter box inside the Centre, where messages can be left for him. He also gives reports to the monthly meetings of Cassop-cum-Quarrington Parish Council and of the Bowburn & Parkhill Community Partnership.
Durham Police and Crime Commisioner
The DPCC's website can be viewed by clicking here where you can view updated information and newsletters
Operation Sledgehammer is a Durham Police initiative against organised crime groups. For the most recent initiative simply click the image on the right.
Neighbourhood Watch
There are a number of Neighbourhood Watch schemes throughout the Parish. To find one for your area click this link: Our Watch.Org and when you put your post code into the search box you will be able to see the local coordinator and contact details for your locality.
Neighbourhood Wardens
Durham County Council has six Neighbourhood Wardens to work within the former City of Durham district. Cassop-cum-Quarrington Parish is in the zone covered by Paul Parker.
Their aim is to improve the area, making it a cleaner and safer place to live, as well as acting as a direct link between the general public and all of the council’s services.
The Wardens tackle issues such as dog fouling, litter, fly tipping, abandoned vehicles, graffiti & vandalism and anti-social behaviour. They are able to issue £50 fixed penalty notices for the offences of litter and dog fouling.
One of their tasks is to try to increase awareness of the waste collection service, whereby the majority of household goods are taken away for free. If you have any waste to be collected then with one phone call to the environmental hotline, 0191 301-8669. The Council will arrange to have it collected for you.
Durham City Council also provides free poop scoop bags, which are available from any sports centre or council office, as well as Bowburn Community Centre.
If you have a problem in your area then don’t hesitate to get in touch, either by phone or e-mail.
E-mail: ns.supportservicesnorth@durham.gov.uk
Mobile contact numbers:
Danielle Hartley: 0797-156-9754
Peter Henderson: 0797-156-9780
Adrienne Hodgkiss: 0797-051-9338
Kay Hughes: 0781-301-3251
Paul Parker: 0781-496-9367
Belinda Snow: 0797-156-9771
Our wardens work from:
Monday to Friday from 9.00 am to 8.00 pm
Friday from 9.00 am to 10.00 pm
Saturday and Sunday from 5.45 pm to 10.00 pmm
For recent reports and newsletters from neighbourhood wardens in county durham click here